Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fix GPS Faster on Nokia Devices: How To Get GPS Signal Faster

If you have a Nokia device with a built-in GPS, you will notice that Google Maps gets your location ten times faster than Nokia Maps. It is unknown the reason for this, but what we do know is how to fix it. The device uses a server to get your location faster. Google Maps uses a different server than Nokia, a server that is possibly faster, much faster. The trick is basically changing the default Nokia location server that the device uses to geotag pics, or just place you in the map, for the Google Server.

Changing the server is really easy. You just have to replace the ”Server Address” from supl.nokia.com to supl.google.com The hard part is finding that setting which is hidden on most Nokia phones. It will vary from phone to phone, on the Nokia N97 you have to find the ”Location” icon, then click on ”Landmarks” then ”Options” then ”Positioning Settings” and finally ”Positioning Server,” just change it to the Google server which is the address: supl.google.com. Leave a comment if you notice that the GPS locks faster! So far I can tell that it does lock a bit faster.

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